Our Mission
The Mississippi Low Income Child Care Initiative (MLICCI) is a statewide non-profit public policy advocacy organization working to strengthen women’s economic security in Mississippi by making child care affordable for low-income working moms, achieving gender and racial equity in the workforce and making the safety net work for women.
MLICCI works to make sure no mom has to choose between the child she loves and the job she needs.
Our advocacy grew out of our experience as child care providers at Moore Community House in Biloxi, where we serve low-income working moms. We learned how much it costs to provide quality child care and that it's not affordable for working moms. We also learned that there is not enough state or federal assistance to fill in the gaps.
We created MLICCI to be a vehicle to organize child care centers like us to push for more funding so more moms can get the affordable child care they need in order to go to work and remain employed.
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