Resources for Parents and Providers

The Mississippi Low Income Child Care Initiative helps connect parents and providers to resources and services to help families access critical services for their child's success.
Child Care Payment Program
Parents and providers can learn about CCPP here:
Child Care Centers - Apply to become CCPP providers
Parents - Determine if you’re eligible
Parents - Apply for CCPP assistance
Find reimbursement rates for services and co-payment fee schedules here
See the Child Care State Plan
See the Child Care Policy Manual
Get the CCPP Temporary Emergency Policies for Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

Earn While
You Learn for Economic Security
Single moms oftentimes cannot afford to quit work and/or go without income for the duration of workforce development training.
We are partnering with the Women in Construction (WinC) for an “earn while you learn” initiative.
Participants attend general industry class for 8 weeks and we assist with transportation stipends and child care services for 6 months.
We believe this initiative will prove as a realistic, practicable pathway for single moms into training for higher paying jobs.
As we know, single moms work – it’s just that their jobs don’t pay wages high enough to support their families. This strategy builds on their efforts so they can earn their way to economic security.

Resources for CCPP Providers

Healthy Centers Healthy Kids (HCHK) offers help for participating in the USDA Child Care and Adult Food Program (CACFP).
HCHK will sponsor centers serving low-income children to participate in CACFP and help them receive federal funding to help with the costs of nutritious meals and snacks, kitchen operations, staff, and equipment.​​​
Get more info about the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) at the button below: