Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay in the loop about our upcoming events and meetings.
The Mississippi State Early Childhood Advisory Council (SECAC) is a group of advisors that serve as a liaison between the governor's offices, agencies, and providers. You can find its schedule of meetings and registration link here.
Meetings are open to the public.
The Mississippi Department of Human Services Division of Early Childhood Care and Development (DECCD) is responsible for administering child care programs. It holds quarterly informational sessions that are open to the public.
Find previous session presentations, the latest about the agency's work, and registration information here.
Vote For A Better Care System
We at the Mississippi Low Income Child Care Initiative work to make sure that child care centers, their staff, and the families you serve have the information and resources you need to prepare for the election, to know the issues, and be ready to civically engage.
Caregivers, like you, play a critical role in our society. Care affects everyone. Whether you’re a child care center, care worker, parent, or someone in need of care, the current system often falls short. We can fix this by voting for candidates who support affordable care and fair pay for caregivers.
Use our Voter Guide to assist you when you cast your ballot, and on November 5, 2024, vote for candidates who support affordable access to care, fair pay for care workers, and programs that help workers balance family and health needs without losing their job.