MLICCI has gathered funding for much-needed sanitation supplies and face masks for child care providers, which are pictured above just before being shipped out. The supplies are being sent to providers that are part of our Child Care Leadership Team, which meets regularly to discuss issues in Mississippi child care.
June 5, 2020 - Mississippi Low Income Child Care Initiative has gathered funding for much-needed resources for child care providers in the MLICCI Child Care Leadership Team (CCLT) network. These include sanitation supplies that have been delivered, and upcoming hand-held thermometers and masks.
Disinfecting chemicals have been in high demand since the beginning of the pandemic, and child care providers need these to keep their child care center safe for children and in accordance with Mississippi Department of Health operating requirements. Not only have child care providers have been faced with running their business with stricter child management guidelines, but the pandemic has coupled this with reduced child enrollment, which means reduced revenues for the centers.
We're pleased that some of these needed supplies have started reaching providers, and more are on the way.
The MLICCI CCLT is a network of Mississippi child care providers that meets regularly with the staff of MLICCI to discuss issues that affect child care in the state of Mississippi.